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Mycoplasma Elimination Service

Mycoplasma is a type of small, simple bacteria without a rigid cell wall and resistant to many common antibiotics. Mycoplasma can grow accompanied by cell growth and metabolism causing no obvious effect, which depletes nutrients, promotes metabolic accumulation, causes pH change on cultures and has a variety of effects on cells.

Mycoplasma Elimination Service

The sources of mycoplasma contamination in the laboratory are complicated. The normal flora in operator may be introduced to cell cultures. The equipment and consumables also can contaminate and spread mycoplasma quickly over the laboratory. Additionally, mycoplasma can come from the original tissue or organ. While the contaminated supplements and cells are the main source of cross-contamination. Importantly, mycoplasmas in the air can spread freely in space, which result in the major contamination problem in cell culture technology.

Once infected with mycoplasma, it is suggested to autoclave and discard the contaminated culture immediately and to replace it with a mycoplasma-free culture. However, some valuable cell lines are so precious that are treated by some antibiotic included elimination reagents. These reagents are no toxic to cells and have good biological activity on eliminating mycoplasma within days or weeks and.

Up to now, three types of antibiotics have been used in elimination reagents for killing mycoplasma: tetracyclines, macrolides and quinolones. Tetracyclines and macrolides block protein synthesis by interfering with ribosome translation, whereas quinolones inhibit replication of mycoplasma DNA.

Moreover, there are four different approaches to remove mycoplasma from cells cultures:

  • Use of a single antibiotic.
  • Application of two different antibiotics simultaneously.
  • Application of two different antibiotics alternately.
  • Use of a membrane-active peptide to remove the majority of mycoplasmas and followed by the application of an antibiotic to eliminate the remaining.

As a professional microbiological treatment team, Creative BioMart Microbe offers targeted solutions service according to the specific conditions of customer samples. The ranges of objects our services cover:

  • Seed cells and rare cells.
  • Organize primary cells.
  • Cells to be gene editing.
  • Stem cells.
  • Others…

Workflow of Mycoplasma Elimination Service in Creative BioMart Microbe

Mycoplasma Detection Service

Creative BioMart Microbe provides individual solutions and consulting services for your mycoplasma elimination projects. Please feel free to contact us, Creative BioMart Microbe looks forward to cooperating with you.


  1. Falagan-Lotsch, P.; et al. Performance of PCR-based and bioluminescent assays for mycoplasma detection. Journal of Microbiological Methods. 2015, 118: 31-6.
  2. Weng, J.; et al. (2017). Elimination of mycoplasma contamination from infected human hepatocyte C3A cells by intraperitoneal injection in BALB/c mice. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology. 2017, 7: 440.
  3. Wang, J.; et al. Mycoplasma clearance and risk analysis in a model bioprocess. PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology. 2017, 71(2): 99–114.
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