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Metabolite Extraction Service

The extraction of metabolites is a key step in the study of microbial metabolites, and efficient and reliable extraction of metabolites is a prerequisite for the advancement of microbial metabolism research. Creative BioMart Microbe provides comprehensive solutions for strain metabolites, including metabolite extraction, and we customize metabolite extraction solutions for various microbial samples.

Extraction of Microbial Metabolites

There are many challenges in the extraction of metabolites, such as a wide variety of metabolites, possible changes in metabolite levels during sampling and sample preparation, some metabolites will be rapidly metabolized or degraded by enzymes when exposed to certain temperature and light, poor extraction reproducibility, etc. The extraction of metabolites not only involves different structures such as cell membranes and cell walls, but the diversification of these structures also increases the difficulty of metabolite extraction. Metabolites involved in primary metabolism may be characterized by high turnover and low abundance, while metabolites from secondary metabolism have low turnover and higher intracellular levels than metabolites from primary metabolism. Extracellular metabolites have lower turnover rates than intracellular ones and are less abundant. Therefore, there are differences in the extraction schemes for different metabolites.

General metabolite sample preparation methods workflow for laboratory scale bacterial metabolomics studyFigure 1. General metabolite sample preparation methods workflow for laboratory scale bacterial metabolomics study (Kamal, K., M.; et al. 2022)

The process of metabolite extraction mainly includes three steps:

  • Quenching: Quenching occurs at the appropriate stage of microbial growth to stop metabolic activity in the cell
  • Harvest/isolate cells: Cells are separated by centrifugation, and supernatant and cell pellet can be obtained for extracellular metabolite extraction and intracellular metabolite extraction respectively
  • Extraction of intracellular and extracellular metabolites

Our Metabolite Extraction Solutions

Creative BioMart Microbe provides customers with customized metabolite extraction services, and designs personalized extraction solutions according to different research needs to achieve efficient, stable, and reproducible metabolite extraction.

  • Quenching: Optimize sampling time and quencher selection based on microbe and metabolite type, and maintain cell integrity. Quenching often adopts various strategies such as cold-methanol solution, perchloric acid solution, liquid nitrogen, cold glycerol-saline, and fast filtration.
  • Extraction: Extraction of metabolites using chemical (boiling ethanol, cold methanol, buffered methanol-chloroform-water, hot water, perchloric acid, trichloroacetic acid, hydrochloric acid), physical (ultrasonic bath, bead mill, freeze-thaw, glass bead beating, supercritical fluid extraction, pressurized liquid extraction), enzymatic or a combination of chemical and mechanical methods.

Why Choose Creative BioMart Microbe?

  • Multiple of metabolite extraction strategies are available.
  • Personalized metabolite extraction solutions to meet different research needs.
  • Achieve efficient and reliable extraction of microbial metabolites, ensuring high reproducibility.
  • The continuous improvement and optimization of the extraction scheme is achieved through an experienced technical team and expert team.
  • Competitive prices help control research costs.

Workflow of Metabolite Extraction Service

Specified Organisms Testing Service

If you are interested in our services, please feel free to contact us, our experts will develop a suitable metabolite extraction solution according to your specific research project. We also provide metabolite identification, content determination and metabolomics analysis services to achieve one-stop analysis of metabolites.


  1. Kamal, K., M.; et al. Bacterial Metabolomics: Sample Preparation Methods. Biochemistry Research International. 2022: 9186536.
  2. Pinu, F., R.; et al. Analysis of Intracellular Metabolites from Microorganisms: Quenching and Extraction Protocols. Metabolites. 2017, 7(4): 53.
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