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MIC & MBC Evaluations Service

With the rising prevalence of drug-resistant microorganisms, it is increasingly more important to accurately calculate the sterilization effect of a product during the research and development phase. Creative BioMart Microbe offers MIC & MBC evaluations service to help our customer accelerate the processed for the cosmetic, personal care, and pharmaceutical industries.

Minimum Inhibitory Concentration

The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) is defined as the lowest concentration of an antimicrobial ingredient or agent that is bacteriostatic (prevents the visible growth of bacteria) in vitro. MICs are also considered the 'god standard' for determining the susceptibility of organisms to antimicrobials and are therefore used to judge the performance of all other methods of susceptibility testing.

Minimum Bactericidal Concentration

MIC & MBC Evaluations Service

The minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) is the lowest concentration of an antibiotic that under defined in vitro conditions reduces by 99.9% (3 logarithms), the number of organisms in a medium containing a defined inoculum of bacteria, within a defined period time. The reduction is usually expressed as the proportion of the inoculum (number of living CFU introduced) that is rendered incapable of reproduction on subculture within that period. MBCs are an accepted parameter for evaluating new antimicrobial agents, and it is frequently used as a research tool to provide a prediction of bacterial eradication.

MBC is complementary to MIC. The lowest concentration of an antimicrobial agent that inhibits the visible growth of a challenge microorganisms can be obtained by MIC testing, while the lowest concentration of antibacterial agents required to kill bacteria can be obtained by MBC assessment.

MIC & MBC evaluation from Creative BioMart Microbe has strains of relevant pathogens that include:

  • Fungi – yeasts, molds and dermatophytes.
  • Bacteria – aerobes and anaerobes.
  • Resistant Strains – E. coli, K. pneumoniae, N. gonorrhoeae, A. baumannii, P. aeruginosa, Enterococcus, Staphylococcus and Streptococcus.

The Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) has established protocols and standards for establishing MIC & MBC in products. Our laboratory is well experienced in the science of microbiology testing in general, and applies this to each study we undertake.

Creative BioMart Microbe provides MIC & MBC evaluations service with following advantages:

  • Multiple evaluation methods.
  • Reliability and available analysis.
  • Customized services to meet specific needs.
  • Competitive price on market.

Workflow of MIC & MBC Evaluations Service at Creative BioMart Microbe

MIC & MBC Evaluations Service

Creative BioMart Microbe promises to work closely with customers, please feel free to contact us for a quote.


  1. Andrews, J. M. Determination of minimum inhibitory concentrations. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. 2001, 48(suppl_1): 5–16.
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