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Antimicrobial Metabolite Analysis

Antimicrobial Metabolite Analysis

Microbial biocontrol agents are microorganisms that suppress soilborne plant pathogens and promote plant growth. It helps to suppress disease by producing enzymes, antimicrobial compounds, antagonistic activity involved in high parasitism, inducing resistance, competitive inhibition, etc. Many strains with antagonistic activity have been developed as commercial biological control agents. The rapid development of genome sequencing and metabolomics technology is conducive to the development of new, environmentally friendly biological control agents. The analysis of antimicrobial metabolites, physicochemical properties and key functional gene clusters of biocontrol agents has important theoretical guiding significance for the rational development and application of biocontrol reagents.

Antimicrobial Metabolite Analysis

The use of biological control agents to control plant diseases has a good application prospect. Analysis of antimicrobial metabolites of biocontrol agents to further understand their antimicrobial mechanisms is necessary for the development of effective and safe biocontrol agents. Creative BioMart Microbe provides several strategies to accelerate the process of antimicrobial metabolite analysis.

  • Non-targeted Metabolomics Techniques

Non-targeted metabolomics techniques enables qualitative and quantitative analysis of low molecular weight metabolites. Metabolome data were analyzed by orthogonal partial least-squares discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA) and principal component analysis (PCA) to select multiple differences metabolites.

  • Transcriptome Sequencing Technology

We set up a transcriptome sequencing platform to analyze differentially expressed genes and search for major antimicrobial secondary metabolite synthesis gene clusters, and transcribed the expression of these antimicrobial metabolite synthesis genes.

  • UPLC-Q-TOF-MS Technology

This ultra performance liquid chromatography-quadrupole - time of flight mass spectrometry (UPLC-Q-TOF-MS) technique is usually used in conjunction with metabolomic analysis to identify metabolite components.

  • Nanopore Metagenomic Sequencing

The Nanopore metagenome is a fast and reliable method for deciphering the properties of active metabolites, including biosynthetic gene cluster analysis. The technology greatly reduces the time required to discover antimicrobial drugs from natural sources.

Why Choose Creative BioMart Microbe?

  • Professional: Experienced technical team and standardized experimental platform to escort your scientific research.
  • High efficiency: Year-round continuous fermentation and breeding of a large number of strains, allowing various molecular biology experiments to be conducted at any time.
  • Comprehensive: We provide identification and screening of various strains, with a variety of genetic markers to choose from, allowing you to have a one-stop experimental experience from selecting strains to obtaining metabolites and related physiological and biochemical assays of the strains.

As a specialist in microbiology, Creative BioMart Microbe is committed to the development of biological control agents. The analysis of antibacterial metabolites through multiple technology platforms helps to screen for effective and environmentally friendly biocontrol agents. If you have related research needs or would like to know more about our services, please feel free to contact us.


  1. Wang, M., et al. Antimicrobial Mechanism and Secondary Metabolite Profiles of Biocontrol Agent Streptomyces lydicus M01 Based on Ultra-High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Connected to a Quadrupole Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer Analysis and Genome Sequencing. Front Microbiol. 2022,13: 908879.
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